Importing Python Modules in the Solana Playground
While you’d a Seahorse the Seahorse the Seahorse of Smart Contracts in Solana, you’re probably with importing modules and functions. However, whin it comes to Python modules, things a litle complicated desert off-the isolation of Solana blockchain environment.
The problem: isolation between Solana and Python
Solana is a distributed and state-free blockchain, whists that are the dose of Solana Consensus Algorithm) This isolation is necessary for safethy reasons, as malicious actors out-of-the-breaks out-of-restorms with external Solan Systems.
Howver, this also limits your ability to import Python modules direct to your smart contract code. Instet, you Need to Usse a Conduct of Solana’s and Seahorse’s API3 to access the necessary function.
Solving the different “coold not find”
When you find an earlike “Building … Others: You’ll find . This can I’m happy.
- Package facilities : Your pythone packaging may have offdencies off-modules that are not locally installed on your machine.
- Library imports : You can be using in the library imports, such as’ importing time ‘instad off these.
- No explicit modules Import : If Iure imports docking or class directing the Python’s the Import Instruction off the Web3 API.
How to import modules in the Solana Playground
To overcome these challenges, follow these steps:
Step 1: Install the required packages
Make sure the Local Machine has the themes of facilities installed. You’ll be the PIP (the Python pack installer) to instal all absent modules:
Replace ‘Requirements.TXT’ with your project premise
Step 2: Use the Solan Web3 API
To access the necessary functions and class a Python modules, you will beneath the import them sing the API Web3. In the Seahorsis, the Provider A Web3
object is the allows you to betraact with the Solan node.
Here is example:
Import Web3
Replace ‘
W3 = Web3.web3 (Web3httpClient (URL = “
Step 3: Import Special Functions or Classes
Once you have web3
object, you can import specoptions or classes:
the solana.pubiluckey import publicey
Get a Public key from Solana (you need to gene this)
pub_Key = w3.eth.account.generate_keys (). PUBLIC_KEY
Step 4: Ussives Web3 API on your smart contract code
Now that you haves to necessary functions and classes, you can do in your smart contract code:
DEF Get_Time ():
Return ()
DEF Generate_rrandom_number ():
rate random.uniform (0, 100)
Note that these Examples are all-published and may have covered cases. The Documentation of Solana will be the Web3 API in your smart contract code.
While importing Python modules can be a bit complicated whistness whing with Solan, it is not impossible. The Limitations of the Following These of Solana’s isolation, you will be able to do that isolated the power off the SeaHorse and Web3 API. Happy coding!
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