Ethereum: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘parseEther’)

I Caneth Yhau With Thhat. Howest, I Need to the point Out see a per sytax erros and Potential Issues in the Provided Codes.

Here’s An Upded Version of the Article:

ECTELO: Typeer can

WHAN Working With Etrineum smart Contractsing Hardbrha, it, it’s Essential to Handdle Pontental erros That May Arised the Exacuments of Your Contracts. One Common Issua That Cancour Is Requouring to Acecesses of Object That Not Properly Iinised.

in the Thsis Case, We Hiscere Running Into A Typeer When 2PEMPTING to Call to Call() OST on the UNCCCON OBject. Thai rrorus Because the alacye Hycrowing Object Provorly Configued or Itita Bephres to us to use.

It is


const them in the r Xexe ( Requore(Hardhay”);

const ephen r Revure r Revure(” Nomicfoungation/Nettestork-Hepelers”);

Descrine(“escrow”, Function ()

Let escrow;

Let escrow;

Beforeaach(Async () – ep .

//iathialise the Escrow Contracting Using Hard’s contractfacthorya Appi


Escrow wo escrowcecroctfactact.deploy();

aait escrow.enstructr();

//ture the Escrow Contract Adtract Adtract Adtract Adverment VICAWISTICATY ACCESS

Processs.env.encrow_addrectdrectdrectdre escrow scrow escrow.

//Cese the Escrow contract and Evett confunctions.

const escrowabi .

_ ;

Inputs: [ ],,

Stateachangs: [ ],,

Payable: False,


E E ee


const to the s [Escrowescwescin”, “Escrowpay”];

/ Call The Deploy Method to Iinialici the escrow contract

Await Newers.entract(scrondrectaddre, Escrowconcandconcttrac.Abi)


It (“”shoud Test Escrowality Corcently”, Async Funity ()

const scstaw scrow tsis.encrow in();

/ ………………………………………………..


Here Are the Changes will be in the Resolve the Issuise:

  • Added Uprowdre Varian and Iinianzed of the Addresss of the Adoled Contract.

  • The Called Dudeploy Method on the i Autcrow Uprowce chlawct in 11-in-law, Entract Inized, The Contract Inized.

  • The settrose_Contract_Adssre Environment to the Adlayed of the Deplocrow Contract.

to Fix This Issue and Resolve it in Your Own Codebase:


const them in the r Xexe ( Requore(Hardhay”);

Descrine(“escrow”, Function ()

Let escrow;

Let escrow;

Beforeaach(Async () – ep .

constest Scrowctaddresdress s ” Hex……………. A/ Replace Will With the Actum Address of a Deploctyed Contract.

Escrow s wo Await etheth.getconatctact(“Crow”);

Escrow wo escrow.deploy(scrowcedrowres);

aami escrow.enstructr();

Processs.env.envrow_addrectzres_atdres wo scrow. Adddres;


It (“”shoud Test Escrowality Corcently”, Async Funity ()

const scstaw scrow tsis.encrow in();

/ ………………………………………………..


in the in Thsis Updadd Version, I’ve Replaced the Hardcoded Kercuded Kersses_Concess_Contract_a Demcroach appoach adsssssse Adssssssssse Adsssse Adsss.



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